Amayi ndi Achinyamata Loan

Women and Youth play an essential role in achieving our goal of financial inclusion. In this regard, gender is our social performance indicator, we ensure that more than 70% of our clients are women and youth. Digital Microcredit Limited Conducted a study which revealed the pervasive nature of low financial literacy (and general education)
among the women and youth respondents, with young rural women seemingly the least informed. Promotion of financial literacy by the private sector is very limited, both in terms of frequency and reach. However, Digital MicroCredit Limited have taken steps to bolster the financial literacy and capability of women and the youth with the goal of empowering them to make responsible financial decisions about their own future.
Youth in early stages may be entirely focused on education, while those in later phases may focus on various forms of employment, and those in the years in between may concentrate on a blend of education, training, and employment.
In terms of their financial behaviors, early adolescents tend to focus on saving, and they typically save the most relative to other youth age cohorts. As they grow older, become independent, and develop more complex income streams, youth demand for financial services expands to include transfers, credit, and insurance.